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Mais il y a aussi l'œuvre de Victor Hugo et de Paris

Les guerres d'indépendance en Amérique du Sud sont un ensemble de mouvements indépendantistes qui ont secoué le continent sud-américain au début du XIXe siècle et ont mis fin à la domination espagnole. Durant la guerre d'indépendance espagnole, à partir de 1808, l'Espagne se trouve coupée de son empire colonial et ne possède aucun gouvernement stable. La guerre en Europe et la restauration absolutiste persuadent les hispano-américains de se rendre indépendants de la mère patrie et diverses révolutions éclatent à travers le continent.

Ces conflits peuvent être considérées aussi bien comme des guerres civiles que comme des guerres de libération nationale puisque la majorité des combattants des deux camps sont hispano-américains mais que l'objectif recherché par les insurgés est l'indépendance des colonies espagnoles. De plus, ces guerres peuvent être rattachées au mouvement plus général des guerres d'indépendance en Amérique latine qui incluent les conflits au Mexique, au Brésil et en Amérique centrale. Mais surtout, ce processus d'indépendance prend place dans le climat général politique et intellectuel qui a émergé du siècle des Lumières et qui a influencé toutes les révolutions de l'Atlantique, y compris celles en France et aux États-Unis qui ont ouvert la voie aux révolutions d'Amérique du Sud.

Le Revenant

Comme les anges à l’œil fauve,
Je reviendrai dans ton alcôve
Et vers toi glisserai sans bruit
Avec les ombres de la nuit ;

Et je te donnerai, ma brune,
Des baisers froids comme la lune
Et des caresses de serpent
Autour d’une fosse rampant.

Quand viendra le matin livide,
Tu trouveras ma place vide,
Où jusqu’au soir il fera froid.

Comme d’autres par la tendresse,
Sur ta vie et sur ta jeunesse,
Moi, je veux régner par l’effroi.

Charles Baudelaire
Les Fleurs du Mal
Parfum exotique

Quand, les deux yeux fermés, en un soir chaud d’automne,
Je respire l’odeur de ton sein chaleureux,
Je vois se dérouler des rivages heureux
Qu’éblouissent les feux d’un soleil monotone ;

Une île paresseuse où la nature donne
Des arbres singuliers et des fruits savoureux ;
Des hommes dont le corps est mince et vigoureux,
Et des femmes dont l’œil par sa franchise étonne.

Guidé par ton odeur vers de charmants climats,
Je vois un port rempli de voiles et de mâts
Encor tout fatigués par la vague marine,

Pendant que le parfum des verts tamariniers,
Qui circule dans l’air et m’enfle la narine,
Se mêle dans mon âme au chant des mariniers.

Charles Baudelaire
Les Fleurs du Mal

La paléontologie des atomes peut elles d'étudier dans l'espace !(?). Eh bien oui, par le reflet de la masse, par des variations chimiques et de volumes de l'environnement. Le temps d'une ombre magnétique laisse une empreinte dans la matière et le volume ! Il demeure une empreinte invisible en luminosité mais repérable par une variation chimique ou par une anomalie quelquonque crée par un phénomène antérieure à la composition chimique présente: J'appelle cela une odeur chaotique ou un reflet temporelle.

écrit de
TAY la chouette effraie
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yanis la chouette

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Date d'inscription : 12/11/2005


Prevent Infections During Pregnancy

Español (Spanish)

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Baby sleeping on mother's stomachIf you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy, there are simple steps you can take to protect your fetus or newborn from infections that cause serious health problems.

Group B strep
Zika virus

Group B Strep

If you are pregnant—or know anyone who is—you need to know about group B strep. About 1 in 4 women in the United States carry the bacteria that cause group B strep infection. Babies can get very sick and even die if their mothers pass group B strep bacteria to them during childbirth. If you are pregnant and test positive for group B strep, doctors can give you an antibiotic during labor that prevents the bacteria from spreading to your baby. That's why it's so important for you to get tested for group B strep each time you get pregnant.


Talk with your doctor or midwife about getting a group B strep test when you are 35 through 37 weeks pregnant.
If the test shows that you carry the bacteria, talk with your doctor or midwife about a plan for your labor. Be sure to tell them if you are allergic to penicillin or other antibiotics.
If you go into labor or your water breaks before you are tested for group B strep, remind the labor and delivery staff that you have not had a group B strep test.

Gest tested for GBS

Fact sheet: Get tested for group B strep[446 KB]
(Also available in Spanish[480 KB].)
More Information on Group B Strep and Your Pregnancy

Learn more about preventing group B strep.
Learn about staying healthy during pregnancy.
Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep [PODCAST - 6:14 minutes]
Send a Health-e-Card to a friend or family member.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

A pregnant woman infected with CMV can pass the virus to her baby during pregnancy. Most babies born with CMV infection will be fine and will not have symptoms or develop health problems. However, some babies will have permanent problems, such as hearing or vision loss or mental disabilities, at birth, or develop problems later on.

CMV is passed from infected people to others through body fluids, such as saliva, urine, blood, vaginal secretions, and semen. Infants and young children are more likely to shed CMV in their saliva and urine than older children and adults. For pregnant women, the two most common ways they are exposed to CMV is through contact with saliva and urine of children with CMV infection and sexual activity.

Regular hand washing, particularly after changing diapers, is a commonly recommended step to decrease the spread of infections and may reduce exposures to CMV.
More Information on CMV and Pregnant Women

Get disease details on cytomegalovirus and congenital CMV infection.
Learn more about preventing congenital CMV infection.
Send an eCard to a pregnant friend or family member:
Pregnant? Worry Less, Sleep More.
Download a podcast:
Staying Healthy When a Baby's on the Way [PODCAST - 0:59 minutes]
Staying Healthy When a Baby's on the Way [PODCAST - 6:05 minutes]
Put Your Hands Together [PODCAST - 3:48 minutes]

Listeriosis and Pregnancy

35-37 weeks pregnant? Ask your health care provider about getting a group B strep test.
Pregnant or planning a pregnancy? The best way to protect your fetus from cytomegalovirus (CMV) is to protect yourself — especially by washing your hands.
Pregnant women are about 10 times more likely than the general population to get a serious infection called listeriosis, but you can take steps to protect yourself as well as your fetus or newborn.

Listeriosis is a rare but serious infection caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria called Listeria. Listeriosis mostly affects pregnant women, newborns, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. Pregnant women are 10 times more likely than other people to get listeriosis. About 1 in 6 cases of listeriosis are associated with pregnancy.

Pregnant women typically experience only fever and other flu-like symptoms, such as fatigue and muscle aches (see “What are the symptoms of listeriosis?”). However, infections during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, or life-threatening infection of the newborn.

In general, you can protect yourself from listeriosis by following these guidelines:

Avoid eating cheese made from unpasteurized milk.
Soft cheeses made with pasteurized milk, including commercial cottage cheese, cream cheese, and mozzarella, are generally regarded as safe. However, some soft cheeses made with pasteurized milk, including Hispanic-style soft cheeses, have become contaminated with Listeria during processing. This could occur again.
Avoid raw (unpasteurized) milk.
Do not eat raw or lightly cooked sprouts of any kind (including alfalfa, clover, radish, and mung bean sprouts).
Eat cut melon right away or refrigerate it at 40° F or colder and for no more than 7 days. Throw away cut melons left at room temperature for more than 4 hours.
Avoid eating hot dogs, lunch meats, cold cuts, other deli meats (such as bologna), or fermented or dry sausages unless they are heated to an internal temperature of 165°F or until steaming hot just before serving. Don’t let juice from hot dog and lunch meat packages get on other foods, utensils, and food preparation surfaces. Wash hands after handling hot dogs, lunch meats, and deli meats.
Do not eat refrigerated pâté or meat spreads from a deli or meat counter or from the refrigerated section of a store. Foods that do not need refrigeration, like canned or shelf-stable pâté and meat spreads, are safe to eat. Refrigerate these foods after opening.
Do not eat refrigerated smoked seafood unless it is in a cooked dish, such as a casserole, or unless it is canned or shelf-stable.

If you are pregnant and Hispanic, your risk of getting listeriosis is even greater. Pregnant Hispanic women are about 24 times more likely than the general population to get listeriosis. Be aware that some Hispanic-style cheeses, such as queso fresco, that were made from pasteurized milk but were contaminated when the cheese was being made, have also caused Listeria infections. Hispanic-style soft cheeses include queso fresco, queso blanco, queso blando, queso Cotija, queso panela, queso ranchero, cuajada en terrón, and others. Learn about additional ways to reduce your risk for listeriosis.

Photo: A pregnant woman eating.

Pregnant women are about 10 times more likely than the general population to get listeriosis.

If you are pregnant and have a fever and other symptoms of possible listeriosis, such as fatigue and muscle aches, within two months after eating a possibly contaminated food, you should seek medical care and tell the doctor about eating possibly contaminated food. If you are infected, your health care provider can give you antibiotics that can protect your fetus or newborn. If you ate food possibly contaminated with Listeria and do not feel sick, most experts believe you do not need tests or treatment, even if you are in a group that is more likely to get listeriosis.
More Information on Listeriosis and Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Recipe for Food Safety: Protecting people from deadly Listeria food poisoning
Fotonovela: While pregnant, be careful with queso fresco[2.9 MB, 3 pages] (Spanish[2.9 MB, 3 pages])
Infographic: Check the cheese, avoid Listeria[2.0 MB, 1 page] (Spanish[2.1 MB, 1 page])
Fact Sheet: While pregnant, be careful with queso fresco[145 KB, 1 page] (Spanish[136 KB, 1 page])
CDC website: Listeria (Spanish) checklist: Foods to avoid during pregnancy
Information from USDA: Protect your baby and yourself from listeriosis

Zika and Pregnancy

Zika virus can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus during pregnancy or around the time of birth. Zika virus infection during pregnancy is a cause of microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects. In addition, other problems have been detected in pregnancies and among fetuses and infants infected with Zika virus before birth, such as miscarriage, stillbirth, absent or poorly developed brain structures, defects of the eye, hearing deficits, and impaired growth. Zika is primarily spread through the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito. However, Zika can also be spread during sex by a man infected with Zika to his partners.

CDC has issued a travel notice (Level 2-Practice Enhanced Precautions) for people traveling to places where Zika virus is spreading. Specific areas where Zika is spreading are likely to change over time. As more information becomes available, CDC's Zika travel notices will be updated. Please check CDC's Zika Travel Information website frequently for the most up-to-date travel recommendations.

Pregnant women

Should not travel to areas with Zika.
Who must travel to one of these areas should talk to their doctor or healthcare provider first and strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites during the trip.
Who have a male partner who lives in or has traveled to an area with Zika should either use condoms correctly, from start to finish, every time they have sex, or not have sex during the pregnancy. This includes vaginal, anal, and oral (mouth-to-penis) sex.

Women trying to become pregnant

Should consult with their healthcare provider before traveling to areas with Zika, and they and their partner should strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites during the trip.
Should review CDC's guidance for men and women who are thinking about pregnancy in the context of the Zika outbreak.

Men who live in or have traveled to an area with Zika

Should take steps to prevent mosquito bites.
Should use a condom correctly (warning: this link contains sexually graphic images), from start to finish, every time they have sex. This includes vaginal, anal and oral (mouth-to-penis) sex. Not having sex is the only way to be sure that Zika virus will not spread through sex.
Should talk to a healthcare provider about how to prevent sexual transmission of Zika during pregnancy and reduce the risk of birth defects related to Zika virus.

For more information, visit our Zika and Pregnancy webpage.
How do I protect myself from mosquito bites?

Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
Stay in places with air conditioning or that use window and door screens to keep mosquitoes outside.
Sleep under a mosquito bed net if air conditioned or screened rooms are not available or if sleeping outdoors.
Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents with one of the following active ingredients: DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or para-menthane-diol. When used as directed, EPA-registered insect repellents are proven safe and effective, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Always follow the product label instructions.
Reapply insect repellent as directed.
Do not spray repellent on the skin under clothing.
If you are also using sunscreen, apply sunscreen before applying insect repellent.

Protect yourself when traveling
Learn about country-specific travel advice, health risks, and how to stay safe by visiting CDC Travelers' Health website.
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Page last reviewed: June 1, 2016
Page last updated: June 1, 2016
Content source:
National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases
Page maintained by: Office of the Associate Director for Communication, Digital Media Branch, Division of Public Affairs

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Improving Health and Quality of Life After Cancer

Español (Spanish)

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While cancer survivors are living longer after their diagnosis, at least one-third of the more than 14 million survivors in the United States face physical, mental, social, job, or financial problems related to their cancer experience. These effects are also felt by family members, friends, and others who provide comfort and care to survivors.

CDC works with community partners to bring attention to these and other challenges faced by cancer survivors and provide education on ways to improve survivors’ health and quality of life.
Physical Health Concerns

Cancer survivors have a higher risk of having their first cancer come back, getting a new cancer, and having other health problems due to—

The side effects of treatment.
Genetic factors, such as those that can cause hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and Lynch syndrome.
Behaviors like smoking, obesity, and lack of physical activity that can raise cancer risk.
Other risk factors, like health disparities, that contributed to the first cancer.

What Can Be Done?

After treatment ends, cancer survivors should get follow-up care—routine checkups and other cancer screenings. Follow-up care can help find new or returning cancers early and look for side effects of cancer treatment.
Photo of a man and a woman hiking outdoors

Survivors also can lower their risk of getting a new or second cancer by living a healthy lifestyle by—

Avoiding tobacco.
Limiting alcohol use.
Avoiding too much exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun and tanning beds.
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Keeping a healthy weight.
Being physically active.

Mental Health Concerns

Cancer survivors report concerns with depression, anxiety about their cancer returning, and trouble with memory and concentration after cancer treatment. Recent research found that 10% of cancer survivors have mental health concerns, compared with only 6% of adults without a history of cancer.1 Cancer survivors who have other chronic illnesses are more likely to have mental health problems and poorer quality of life.

Fewer than one-third of survivors who have mental health concerns talk to their doctor about them, and many survivors don’t use services like professional counseling or support groups.
What Can Be Done?

Survivors should talk to their health care providers about their mental health status during and after treatment.
Health care providers can offer cancer survivors mental health screening to check for and monitor changes in anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.
Psychologists, social workers, and patient navigators can help survivors find appropriate and affordable mental health and social support services in both hospital and community settings.
Physical activity has been linked to lower rates of depression among cancer survivors.2

Concerns About Work and Money

Cancer survivors may struggle to pay for medical care and are more likely to declare bankruptcy than people without a cancer history. They also face work-related concerns because of their cancer experience. While many survivors return to work, about one-third cannot work at all or have less ability to work due to mental and physical health problems.3 4
What Can Be Done?
Photo of a senior couple paying bills

To help address money problems and make the return to work easier, survivors can learn more about—

Changes in health care in the United States and options for affordable health insurance.
Ways in which their employer may be able to help, like a non-traditional work schedule, employee assistance programs, and options for employees to donate unused paid time off to sick coworkers.
The Family and Medical Leave Act and short-term disability leave.


1Weaver KE, Forsythe LP, Reeve BB, Alfano CM, Rodriguez JL, Sabatino SA, Hawkins NA, Rowland JH. Mental and physical health-related quality of life among U.S. cancer survivors: population estimates from the 2010 National Health Interview Survey. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2012;21(11):2108–2117.

2Zhao G, Okoro CA, Li J, White A, Dhingra S, Li C. Current depression among adult cancer survivors: findings from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Cancer Epidemiology 2014;38(6):757–764.

3Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR, Guy GP Jr, Banegas MP, de Moor JS, Li C, Han X, Zheng Z, Soni A, Davidoff A, Rechis R, Virgo KS; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Medical costs and productivity losses of cancer survivors—United States, 2008–2011. MMWR 2014;63(23):505–510.

4Dowling EC, Chawla N, Forsythe LP, de Moor J, McNeel T, Rozjabek HM, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR. Lost productivity and burden of illness in cancer survivors with and without other chronic conditions. Cancer 2013;119(18):3393–3401.
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Title Integrated circuits on silicon
Released 08/06/2016 2:41 pm
Copyright ESA-Guus Schoonewille

Multiple integrated circuits at the heart of Europe’s space missions, etched together onto a single piece of silicon.

This 20 cm-diameter wafer contains 35 replicas of five different space chips, each incorporating up to about 10 million transistors or basic circuit switches.

Laid down within a microchip, these designs endow a space mission with the ability to perform various specialised tasks such as data handling, communications processing or attitude control.

To save money on the high cost of fabrication, various chips designed by different companies and destined for multiple ESA projects are crammed onto the same silicon wafers, etched into place at specialised semiconductor manufacturing plants.

Once tested for functionality, the chips on the wafer are chopped up and packaged for use, then mounted on printed circuit boards for connection with other microelectronic components aboard a satellite.

Since 2002, ESA’s Microelectronics section has maintained a catalogue of ‘building blocks’ for chip designs, known as Intellectual Property cores, available to European industry through ESA licence. For more information,

The contents of this page are related to reusable building blocks (also called Intellectual Property Cores, or IP Cores), mostly in VHDL language, for microelectronics use.

These IP Cores were developed in the scope of European Space Agency (ESA) activities, ranging from in-house developments to contractor work and from simple Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) to complex System-On-a-Chip (SOC) devices.

The IP cores provided by ESA are "soft-cores", i.e. technology independent. They can be synthesized and targeted to any ASIC or FPGA technology.

ESA/ESTEC maintains and distributes under ESA licenses a small catalog of IP Cores which comprise typical digital functions used in space applications (TMTC, EDAC, SpaceWire, CAN, LEON2-FT, OBDH, etc). ESA/ESTEC provides this “IP Cores” service as an attempt to:

counteract obsolescence and discontinuity of existing space standard ASICs, thus helping to guarantee the availability of some key functions in a technology independent format (“soft format”).
reduce costs of large IC developments (e.g. Systems-on-Chip) by re-using already designed and validated IC functions.
promote and consolidate the use of standardized functions, protocols and/or architectures (e.g. SpaceWire, CAN, TMTC, etc).
centralize IP users’ feedback to improve quality of existing IPs and identify future needs.

The ESA IP cores can be licensed for space research and/or commercial use, under specific conditions (depending on the IP ownership) to companies based in ESA member and participant states.

Get details about available IP cores
The list of available IP cores is shown on the left of the page. By selecting each link, you are redirected to the specific page for the selected IP core. From that page you can get an overview of the functions of the IP core, download some documentation and even a precompiled simulation model (if available).
Submit IP request form
If you decide to apply for a license for one or more IP cores, please refer to the "Licensing" pages for more details, and the link to the IP request form. From the "Licensing" pages you can read more about the licensing process, and also get instructions on how to fill out and submit an IP request form.
IP request screening and license preparation by ESTEC/ESA
The submitted IP request is screened by ESTEC/ESA against general and specific IP licensing conditions. If all conditions are met, a license agreement for the provision of the requested IP core(s) is prepared, and sent to the customer for approval and signing. Each license document is tailored for the customer’s specific case.
Delivery of requested IP Core(s) to customer
If the user accepts the terms of the license agreement, a package with the requested IP core(s) is delivered to the user as soon as the license documents are received by the Agency, bearing licensee’s signatures.
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La Reconquête de L'Italie fut pénible, Janvier - mars 1944 : échec des attaques frontales anglo-américaines sur Cassino, aussi terrible en massacre que subit l'Espagne durant l’Époque Napoléonienne...

Campagne d'Italie
Opération Corkscrew · Bataille de Lampedusa · Débarquement de Sicile · Massacre de Biscari · Opération Avalanche · Armistice de Cassibile · Défense manquée de Rome · Guerre civile italienne · Opération Slapstick · Libération de la Corse · Insurrection de Naples · Bombardement du Vatican · Campagne de la rivière Moro · Ligne Gustave · Bataille du mont Cassin · Massacre de Monchio, Susano et Costrignano · Attentat de Via Rasella · Massacre des Fosses ardéatines · Bataille du Garigliano · Opération Shingle · Conquête de l'île d'Elbe · Prise d'Ancône · Massacre de Sant'Anna di Stazzema · Ligne gothique (Gemmano · Rimini · San Marino · Montecieco) · Massacre de Marzabotto · Offensive de printemps 1945 · Prise de Bologne

il y a La route vers Rome et la fin de l'emprise du IIIème Reich sur l'Italie.
Alors que le débarquement allié s'annonce, les forces coalisées organisent une percée sur le front italien afin de rallier Rome. Durant des mois, la bataille fera rage autours du Monte Cassino et c'est une ténacité. Durant cet épisode, des centaines de bombardiers anéantirent l'abbaye du Mont-Cassin.

Et il y aura

Le film mêle la grande Histoire, celle de l’une des batailles les plus dures de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, aux aventures d'un correspondant de guerre.

Fin janvier 1944, le caporal Dick Ennis, correspondant de guerre américain à Naples, part couvrir le débarquement anglo-américain d’Anzio en Italie, opération qui a pour double but de déborder la ligne Gustav (devant laquelle les Alliés piétinent depuis plusieurs mois) et de permettre l’occupation des monts Albains, hauteurs stratégiques au sud de Rome. À la grande surprise des attaquants, la plage, ses environs et l’arrière-pays se révèlent totalement déserts. Au volant d'une jeep Dick Ennis escorté du sergent Stimmler et du caporal Rabinoff effectue même une reconnaissance sans embûches dans Rome quasiment abandonnée par les forces allemandes et revient en informer dans son QG d’Anzio le général Lesley, commandant en chef de la tête de pont. Mais celui-ci se montre excessivement prudent : échaudé par le souvenir du débarquement très coûteux de l'été 1943 à Salerne en Sicile, il pense que l’aspect désert du terrain dissimule un piège et ne s’occupe que de consolider la tête de pont dans l’attente de la contre-attaque allemande qu’il juge inévitable. Du côté allemand, le débarquement d’Anzio occasionne d’abord des sueurs froides au Field Marschall Kesselring, commandant suprême des forces du Reich en Italie, car la zone menacée est effectivement dépourvue de troupes allemandes. Puis se rendant compte de l’immobilisme des Alliés, il ordonne à plusieurs de ses divisions de se porter en hâte autour des positions alliées. Kesselring ordonne également la mobilisation des Italiens en âge de travailler à l’édification d’une ligne de défense fortifiée et inexpugnable qu’il baptise ligne César. Il s’inquiète cependant du jeune âge de ses soldats et de la pénurie d’essence qui frappe alors ses armées.

Un peu plus tard Dick Ennis se prépare à marcher de nuit avec le 2e Bataillon de Rangers jusqu’à la localité de Cisterna qui est considéré comme le point faible du dispositif de défense ennemi et dont il faut s'emparer. Le bataillon arrive au matin dans un défilé où des unités allemandes dissimulées dans le paysage (des tanks et des mitrailleuses) le prennent au piège et le massacrent. Sur les 767 hommes du bataillon, seulement 7 en réchappent dont Dick Ennis, le sergent Stimmler et le caporal Rabinoff. Ces hommes tentent alors de revenir vers la plage d’Anzio. Pourchassés par un char lance-flammes, ils traversent un champ de mines et découvrent à la nuit tombée les travaux de construction de la ligne César, reconnaissant parmi les travailleurs forcés italiens un civil rencontré précédemment à Rome. Le lendemain matin, après qu’un des survivants ait été tué après avoir été fait prisonnier, le groupe se reconstitue et se réfugie dans une maison occupée par des femmes. Le moment de repos est interrompu par une escouade allemande qui se fait anéantir par surprise mais le groupe doit alors reprendre la route. Dick Ennis ne parvient à rallier finalement Anzio que le jour suivant, après avoir franchi des lignes ennemies constituées de snipers qui ont décimé ses camarades. C’est pour apprendre que le général Lesley a été démis de son commandement et remplacé par un chef plus énergique.

L’un des enjeux de l'histoire est la compréhension des raisons profondes qui poussent les hommes à se faire la guerre. le caporal Dick Ennis est en effet un vétéran de plusieurs campagnes alliées et il ne se décide pas à raccrocher. Il trouve dans le caporal Rabinoff un alter ego, car celui-ci conserve dans le corps les éclats et les séquelles d’une grenade japonaise et voit dans la guerre une façon de vivre la vie plus intensément que les hommes ordinaires.

Robert Mitchum (VF : Paul-Émile Deiber) : Dick Ennis (Correspondant de guerre)
Peter Falk (VF : Pierre Trabaud) : Caporal Jack Rabinoff
Robert Ryan (VF : Roger Tréville) : Général Carson
Earl Holliman (VF : Albert Augier) : Sergent Stimmler
Mark Damon : Wally Richardson
Arthur Kennedy (VF : Jacques Berthier) : Général Lesley
Reni Santoni (VF : Jacques Deschamps) : Soldat Movie
Joseph Walsh (VF : Bernard Woringer) : Soldat Doyle
Thomas Hunter : Soldat Andy
Giancarlo Giannini : Soldat Cellini
Anthony Steel (VF : Claude Giraud) : Général Marsh
Patrick Magee (VF : Louis Arbessier) : Général Starkey
Arthur Franz (VF : Robert Dalban) : Général Howard
Tonio Selwart : Général Van MacKensen
Wayde Preston (VF : Raymond Loyer) : Colonel Hendricks
Venantino Venantini (VF : Jean-Claude Michel) : Capitaine Burns
Wolfgang Preiss (VF : Howard Vernon) : Field Marshal Kesselring
Tiberio Mitri (VF : Claude Joseph) : le sergent de la Police Militaire à Naples
Dante Maggio (VF : Albert Médina) : le marchand ambulant napolitain
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Toulouse, le 13 Septembre 2016

"Lettre vers tous les Croyants, les Laics, les Athées et Indiférents sans distinction de sexes et d'appartenance"

"A travers l'histoire, il y a tout ces regards qui porte sur l'espérance d'une terre bénite où résonne la paix et l'harmonie si désireuse dans le cœur de l'Homme. Certains ont construit et d'autres ont détruit... Les Femmes n'eurent pas dans un premier temps à se soucier de leur image, telle des lionnes, elles étaient libre de se soumettre ou de se dérober à l'acte naturel de la Nature et de ses lois. Mais voilà; nous avons voulu une femme unique dans sa présentation et son comportement: La diversité lui fut enlevé et l'Homme perdit son statut d'être suprême de Dieu. Les Hyènes, les lions et les Éléphants devint les inspirateurs de l'évolution humaine, plus nous apprenons à observer ce qui reste de sauvage dans la nature, nous voyions que nous avons voulu supprimer ces codes d'honneurs... Ce qui était preuve de charité fut transformé en faiblesse ! Le lion qui élevait les fils de ses frères, ce lion là fut tué par les Hommes et ceux qui prirent sa défense furent exilés du cœur des femmes... On les transforma pour les soustraire à leurs regards... Trouvé vous cela juste mesdames d'être puni pour un acte de bonté à l'égard de ce lion qui adopta les orphelins de ces crimes et qui honoré les dettes des Dames Lionnes à l'égard de Yahvé, Dieu, Allah, Vishnou ou Éternel est l’Éternel. Oui malgré mon sens laïque, je crois au courage de la Charité et de la Valeur malgré tout j'ai perdu ma naïveté devant le Lâche, le Traitre, l’Envieux et la Haine. J'aime le regard tel le lion qui protège son territoire, Sa Lionne et Son Peuple et qui n'ose pas cacher son admiration devant les singes et les éléphants imprégné de sagesse et de Bonté... Le Courage de la Girafe, la Hargne de la Hyène, l'endurance du Serpent, la moquerie du Scorpion et les enseignements de la Mouche. Les Mouches indiquent l'eau et sont des reversoirs aussi utile que le Chameau et le Cheval... Les hirondelles qui faisait sourire les Femmes et les Enfants; Et malgré la Cruauté du Temps, il y avait toujours une place pour la valeur du Courage et du charitable... Voilà à partir de quoi et selon les percepts de Gordon Pacha et l’Enseignement de l’Écoute du Temps et de La Nature nous pouvons reconstruire Alep, Petra et tous ces Oasis qui faisait les charmes de nos querelles de Commerçants, de Patriarches et de Familles. Nous ne pourrons jamais éviter des querelles ou des discordes de Voisinages, mais Sauvegarder Notre Honneur, ça sera mon premier engagement d'Homme contre l'Esclavage, le Viol, la Torture, La Faim, La soif et pour l'équilibre, le partage, la manifestation, l'égalité, de réunion et de gréve."

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